10th ‘Turkey’s Most Influential Supply Chain Management Professionals’ Award Ceremony
Recent technological developments are accelerating the world’s progress on a completely different path than usual. The introduction of ChatGPT into our lives and its ease of use for everyone is considered as crossing an important threshold in Artificial Intelligence.
In addition to AI Chatbots, many other technological developments such as IoT, Autonomous Vehicles, Cloud Platforms, real-time processing of Big Data sets are waiting for us to see rapid changes in every field today and in the near future.
Supply Chain Management is one of the areas most affected and forced to change in terms of technological developments. What do Supply Chain Professionals prioritize for the Digital Supply Chains of today and tomorrow?
With our 10th “Turkey’s Most Influential Supply Chain Professionals” award ceremony, which we will organize for the 10th time this year, we aim to make these achievements more visible by bringing together successful practices in our country and the actors of these achievements in these challenging conditions.
List of Turkey’s Most Influential Supply Chain Professionals SCM Supply Chain Professional magazine, LODER Bulletin, SCP Club website, SCP Club booklet, national and international newspapers and magazines.
Who Can Apply?
At “Turkey’s Most Influential Supply Chain Professionals” award ceremony, which is organized every year, we would be happy to welcome the people who has;
- Has at least 5 years of experience in Supply Chain, Logistics or Manufacturing,
- Her/his company has an annual turnover of 500M TL or more,
- In the past 3 years, he/she has managed at least one project related to Supply Chain that ended with added value.
Please click here for nomination application requirements and full details.
How to apply?
Participate in the Candidacy Forum on the “Become a Candidate” button by filling in your participant information and the details of your project completely and
You can apply for candidacy by sending a high-resolution photo (300 dpi resolution or larger than 1 MB) to m.topcu@slimstock.com
14:30 – 15:30 Registration, Networking & Cocktail
15:30 – 15:45 Introduction speech
Prof. Dr. Gülçin Büyüközkan – LODER Chairman of the Board
Songül Sezer – Slimstock Türkiye Country Manager
15:45 – 16:45 Project Presentations
Moderator Prof. Dr. Mehmet TANYAŞ – LODER Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors
16:45 – 17:45 Keynote Speaker’s Presentation
17:45 – 18:30 Gala Dinner
18:30 – 19:00 Announcement of the “Turkey’s Most Influential Supply Chain Professionals” List
Moderator Prof. Dr. Gülçin Büyüközkan – LODER Chairman of the Board