Ebru Şenel Erim graduated from Hacettepe University, Department of Nutrition and Dietetics. She started working as a Nutritionist at Unilever in 1995. Appointed as Nutrition Manager in 1999, Erim assumed the role of Corporate Communications Manager in 2004. Ebru Şenel Erim has been appointed as Unilever NAMETRUB (North Africa, Middle East, Turkey, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus) Regional Foreign Relations Director and Unilever Turkey Sustainable Business and Communications Director as of December 2011. Following the important projects he signed under the scope of the Sustainable Living Plan, he served as the Director of Foreign Relations and Corporate Communications at Unilever NAMETRUB and a Member of the Board of Directors of Unilever Turkey. On July 1, 2022, in line with Unilever’s global Compass Organization structuring, he was appointed Head of Corporate Affairs and Communications in Turkey, North Africa, Middle East and Russia & Head of Personal Care Corporate Relations and Communications in Turkey, Middle East and Russia. In addition to his duties as YASED Sustainable Development Working Group Chairman, Erim; He is a Board Member of Cosmetics and Cleaning Products Industrialists’ Association (KTSD), Packaged Milk and Dairy Products Industrialists’ Association (ASÜD), Business World and Sustainable Development Association (SKD Turkey). Erim, who, together with his business partners in the Unilever Supply Chain, established the We Are Stronger together platform to address the agenda of women’s empowerment, and supported in activating the ecosystem that will increase women’s participation in business life. Ebru Şenel Erim is married and has one child.